Sunday, September 14, 2008

Class Reflections #3 - September 11

In class I brought up my concerns about connectivist theory and how it would influence education and the style of instruction. I felt concerned that if students write and learn in short snippets and quick research on the web, that they would be missing out on the "basics" of developing in depth writing and analytical skills. Someone in class had a great response, reminding me that it is a combination of learning theories that need to be used and not just one. That said, as a student, I felt more comfortable in class tonight, as I feel I have been struggling a bit with embracing a new learning style myself, of listening and participating in lecture and being linked to the Internet, etc. at the same time. The addition of the class agenda was really helpful to me, because I was able to follow along very well. I also really enjoyed all the presentations, because I felt like I got a more in depth look at some of the web 2.0 tools that had previously quickly passed me by. I also liked the in class blogging assignment. I have really enjoyed blogging and making comments already, but the activity reminded me to keep things concise and brief (a struggle for me.)

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